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Title: Anxiety Factors of Students’ Emotional Disposition to Professional Communication in Foreign Languages
Authors: Buchatska, Svitlana
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Buchatska, S. (2015). Anxiety Factors of Students’ Emotional Disposition to Professional Communication in Foreign Languages. East European Journal of Psycholinguistics. 2(1).7-15
Issue Date: May-2015
Date of entry: 17-May-2016
Publisher: Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
Keywords: psychological disposition
emotional and volitional disposition
anxiety factors
foreign languages
professional communication
Abstract: Abstract. The article deals with the problem of the development of personality’s psychological disposition to professional foreign languages communication. The present research aims to define the concept of personality’s emotional and volitional disposition and reveal its essence and study the formation features of the above mentioned disposition of students of different specialties. The study focuses on the causes and dynamics of the students' emotional and volitional disposition to professional communication in foreign languages. Emotional disposition is viewed as personality’s ability to adjust his/her behavior and activity in any professional situations by means of foreign language communication. The research results revealed certain difficulties, and therefore the students’ negative experiences in foreign languages communication, which are determined by a high degree of speech fluency, difficulty in understanding spoken language and grasping the meaning of an utterance. The article introduces the reasons for the development of a special program to form students’ emotional and volitional disposition to professional communication in foreign languages. The program is to contain a set of lessons, assignments and trainings aimed at developing the appropriate volitional qualities, psychic self-regulation skills of a personality.
Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:East European Journal of Psycholinguistics, 2015, Volume 2, Number 1

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