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Title: Gender-salient family conflict talk
Authors: Semenyuk, Antonina A.
Семенюк, Антоніна Афанасіївна
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Semenyuk A. Gender-salient family conflict talk. The Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems in Microelectronics - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference, CADSM 2003 1255157, pp. 563
Issue Date: 2003
Date of entry: 9-Jul-2019
Publisher: IEEE
Keywords: Conflict talk
symmetric relations
gender-salient argumentation
family discourse
Abstract: In this paper the analysis of gender aspects of the family dialogue conflict talk within the framework of symmetric relations (husband – wife) is suggested. In recent years the topic of argument has become a significant concern for research on language and communication. Conflict talk is a common practice among humans. We believe that if gender is embedded in society then it should be observeable in talk.
Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Наукові роботи (FIF)

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