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Title: Сакральний ландшафт: зміст та функції
Other Titles: Sacral landscape: contents and functions
Authors: Міщенко, Олена Віталіївна
Mishchenko, Olena V.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Міщенко О. В. Сакральний ландшафт: зміст та функції // Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка : Географія / Київ. нац. ун-т ім. Тараса Шевченка. – Київ, 2018. – Вип. 1 (70). - С. 83-88. - DOI : 10.17721/1728-2721.2018.70.15
Issue Date: 2018
Date of entry: 4-Dec-2018
Publisher: Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
DOI: 10.17721/1728-2721.2018.70.15
Keywords: сакральний
класифікація функцій сакрального ландшафту
сакральний ландшафт
просторова ієрархія сакрального ландшафту
sacred landscape
spatial hierarchy of sacral landscape
classification of functions of sacred landscape
Abstract: Обґрунтовано відмінність поняття сакральний та релігійний. Сформульовано тлумачення сакрального ландшафту як природної, природно-антропогенної, антропогенної системи, яка пов’язана із певними життєвими символами, міфами, вагомими подіями, релігійними почуттями та має надзвичайно ціннісне значення для людини, або групи людей та потребує особливого вшанування та охорони. Подано просторово-ієрархічну будову сакрального ландшафту, де можна виокремити індивідуальний, локальний регіональний, національний, глобальний рівні, розроблено класифікацію його функцій, що мають середовищеформувальну роль. Охарактеризовано політичну, соціальну, економічну, екологічну функції сакрального ландшафту.
The relevance of the research of scientific approaches to the content of the notion of sacred landscape, its structure and functions is substantiated. The article considers the sacral landscape as a holistic, stable system characterized by spatial and temporal organization, which ensures the process of uniting the nation, preserves authentic culture, opposes the destruction of spiritual foundations, has a great social, economic and political significance. We established interdisciplinary nature of the investigation, which covers a wide range of issues related to various scientific disciplines: geography, social theory, culture, philosophical anthropology. The analysis of scientific publications concerning the interpretation of the concept of sacred and its etymology has been studied. The difference between the concepts of sacred and religious is substantiated. The content of the concept of sacredness, which gives people, actions, territory and other objects of such quality that separates them from the ordinary things and places them in the position of exceptional value and significance and on this basis requires an exceptional attitude, is determined. The modern approaches to the interpretation of the notion of sacral landscape are investigated. It has been established that a large proportion of the sacred space belongs to religious objects. The main instruments of the “sacralization” of the landscape are identified - symbolization, myth and event that gives it an extremely valuable (holy) meaning. The expedience of using the integral approach in the interpretation of the notion of sacral landscape is substantiated. The definition of where the sacred landscape is considered as a natural, natural-anthropogenic, anthropogenic system, which is associated with certain life symbols, myths, significant events, religious feelings, is extremely valuable for a person or group of people and needs a special respect and protection. The results of the investigation indicate that the sacred landscape can be considered as a system that has a spatial-hierarchical structure, where we can distinguish individual, local, regional, national and global levels. The examples of sacred landscapes of different levels are given. The analysis of scientific publications about the functions of sacred geographical objects is carried out. It was established that such researches were based on the influence of sacred geographical objects on visitors, which testifies the integrity of interconnections in the complex system "man-landscape". The leading approaches to classification of landscape functions are investigated. The classification of functions of the sacred landscape is developed, classes and subclasses of such functions are singled out. The political, social, economic and ecological functions of the sacred landscape, that have an environment formative role are characterized. The functions presented in the article have a theoretical value, since in practice there are close interrelationships between them, that is, they integrate and complement each other.
Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Наукові роботи (FGEO)

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