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Title: Давньоруське городище "Рай" у селищі Шацьк на Поліссі
Other Titles: The ancient Rus fortified settlement «Rai» in Shatsk, Polissya
Authors: Златогорський, Олексій Євгенович
Демедюк, Сергій Володимирович
Zlatohorskyi, Oleksii Ye.
Demediuk, Serhii V.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Златогорський О. Є. Давньоруське городище "Рай" у селищі Шацьк на Поліссі / О. Є. Златогорський, С. В. Демедюк // Археологія і давня історія України : зб. наук. пр. / Нац. акад. наук України, Ін-т археол. – Київ, 2013. - Вип. 11. - С. 47-55.
Issue Date: 2013
Date of entry: 17-Oct-2016
Publisher: Інститут археології НАН України
Keywords: городище
вислі печатки
Abstract: У статті на основі нових археологічних джерел та аналізу літописних даних стверджується локалізація давньоруського міста Рай, згаданого у літописі під 1255 та 1287 рр., на східній околиці сучасного селища Шацьк Волинської області.
The article considers and analyzes chronical data as to the localization of the ancient town Raj, mentioned in the manuscripts chronicles of 1255 and 1287, sn the eastern surburb of modern Shats’k. The anabysis has been done on the basis of new archeological sources. The former interpretation of the location of the town, the author of which was P.O. Rappoport, is being criticized and reviewed in the article. The authors present vivid argumentation and emphcrsize the following factors, indicating the prevailing choice of localization of the choronical Raj in Shatt’s and not in Jarevyshche. They are: 1) according to the chronicler the town was founded on the bank of the lake: in Shats’k the settlement is situated of on the bank of the lake Lutsymyr, there is not any lake in Jarevyshhche; 2) to move from Kamyanets’ to Lyuboml is much more convenient through Shatsk, not Jarevyshche; 3) the most important factor: there is not any cultural strata of ancient Rus on the ancient sample, localized by P.O. Rappoport From the archeological point of view the ancient pattern in Shats’k is a new phenomenon in science, though it has already become acknowledged in historioghaphy due to Pavlo Rappoport. The ancient settlement in Shats’k belongs to the category of the so called «stizhka». The main morphological characteristics of them is absence of the ramparts and pits and existence of mounds rising above the surrounding flat landscape. The ancient pattern is situated in the eastern surburb of Shats’k, on the high ness of the lake Lyutsymyr, rising u meters above the water level. The lake is situated on the southern side of the pattern, from the eastern and northern–eastern sides it is restained by the swamp, the nothern and western part is occupied by the residential buildings. The local population gave the name «Gora (mountain)» to it, but on the maps of soviet time it got the name of «Sad (garden)». During 2009–2011 archeological expeditions yuided by the authors of the article explored 671 sg. m. of the territory of four excavations and two trenches. The ancient remnants have been found only on the excavated areas located closer to the center of the monument–pattern. They are represented by 22 buildings and 10 pits, which chronologically may be grouped accordingly: 1) X–XI cent. – 20 objects; 2) XI–XII cent – 8 objects; 3) XII–XIII cent – 4 objects. Among the unique foundings the most interesting is the pattern made of horn the top of which is decorated with the heard of an animal with the opened mouth. The bulk of the object is ornamented by the rows of drawings in the form of triangles between two lines. Similar to this pattern is known from the excavations of the Desyatynna church in Kyiv dating back to X cent. They differ only in the ornamentating of the animal «body»: the Shats’k pattern is ornamented with the rows of runes, and the Kyiv sample is framed with the curly ornament in Scandinavian style. The stylistic similarity of the ornaments brings us to the conclusion that those objects are of the Baltic origion. One ring with the Prince’s trident–sign attracts special attention. It is made of copper, the trident looks like a flower in blossom. The authors have worked out and the village Council adopted the modern coat of arms of Shats’k. The basis of it is the ring-seal of those archeological foundings. Another importunt foundings from Shats’k settlement are two so–called hanging seals. One of them on the face side has the picture of archangel Mykhail and on the back side inscription in three lines «ДЪНЪСЛОВО». This seal belongs to polotskyj, novgorods’kyi, turivs’kyj and later to great Kyiv Prince Svyatoslav–Mykhail Izyaslavovych (1050–1113). The second seal on the face side hade has the picture of st. Andrij, and on the back side the inscription «WT АНДРЕЯ». The seal has not been identified yet, but recent investigations prove its stylistic similarity with the seals of Ratibor, which may be considered as their identity. As to the its attribution the seal may be supposed to belong to one of the Prince’s governors at the edge of XI–XII cent. The number of recent areheological sources give the authors possibility to make one more specification in the historic geography of ancient Volyn: Shats’k lake district in XII cent belonged to the Turiv Principality.
Content type: Article
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