Перегляд зібрання за групою - Типи вмісту Conference Abstract

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Результати від 91 до 110 із 2851 < назад   далі >
ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Conference Abstract20209-кві-2020Identyfikacja czynników kooperacji w międzynarodowych strukturach wirtualnych oparta na koncpecji spójnosciFlieger, M.
Conference Abstract202121-гру-2021Images processing-based predictive modeling for fibers distribution along the radial direction in bamboos phyllostachys edulis and dendrocalamus giganteusAzadeh, A.; de Campos, Vitorino F.; Nazarkovsky, M.; Toledo Filho, Dias R.; Savastano Júnior, H.
Conference Abstract201912-вер-2019Implementation of clearing operations on blockchainBorysiuk, Olena V.; Mykhalchuk, Mariа O.; Борисюк, Олена Володимирівна; Михальчук, Марія Олегівна
Conference Abstract201712-тра-2020Incentive mechanisms of enterprise` information technologiesBurban, O.; Korobchuk, T.
Conference Abstract201926-лют-2020Individualisierung der werbung durch targetingPavlischina, N. M.
Conference Abstract202023-лют-2021Influence Not the Effective Institutional Environment on Formation of Innovative Potential of Economic SafetyKravchenko, S.; Malik, L.
Conference Abstract202321-чер-2023Influence of optically transparent polymers on stability of organic-inorganic perovskite CH3NH3PbI3Torchyniuk, P.; Vyunov, O.; Plutenko, T.; Fedorchuk, O.; Ishchenko, A.; Belous, A.
Conference Abstract202016-лют-2021Influence of Risks on Functioning of Enterprise StructureMalik, L.
Conference Abstract202126-лис-2021Influence of surfactants of different types on the luminescent properties of fluorescein, eosin, and erythrosineNechpai, L.; Klovak, V.; Lelyushok, S.; Kulichenko, S.
Conference Abstract20205-лют-2021Influence of the Taxation System on the Development of the Enterprise in the Realities of the Ukrainian EconomySorokina, S.; Akmen, V.
Conference Abstract20202-лют-2021Innovative Activity as a Tool to Increase the Competitiveness of Corporations in Conditions Non-Industrial EconomyBondar-Pidgurska, O.; Karangwa, C.; Kalu Robinson Abuchi
Conference Abstract20201-лют-2021Innovative Fundamentals of Industry DevelopmentAlghadhywi Mohammed Younus Hasan
Conference Abstract20201-лют-2021Innovative Principles of Joint Investment Development in the Context of Rethinking Global SustainabilityAlekseyenko, L.; Tulai, O.
Conference Abstract201929-січ-2020Innovative technologies of logistics companies in ukraine from the point of view of sustainable developmentPavlushko, М. О.; Polishchuk, V. G.
Conference Abstract20205-кві-2020Innovatoin as the basis the country’s public policy developmentOleksenko, R.
Conference Abstract202022-лют-2021Innowacje, inteligentne zarządzanie jako źródło nowych miejsc pracy w KoreiSprengel, M.
Conference Abstract201922-лип-2019Inter-Cultural Communication as Groundwork of Successful Globalization Business EffortsHalapchuk-Tarnavska, Olena M.; Галапчук-Тарнавська, Олена Михайлівна
Conference Abstract202023-лют-2021Internal Audit of the National Interoperability Framework as a Tool for Assessing Information Security in the Conditions of Economy 4.0Kańduła, S.; Przybylska, J.
Conference Abstract202022-лют-2021Internationalisation of the Euro as a Means of EU's Competitiveness EnhancingКухарик, Вікторія Василівна
Conference Abstract20193-лют-2020It-аудит як перспективний напрямок розвитку бізнесуДегтяренко, В. І.