Перегляд зібрання за групою - Типи вмісту Conference Abstract

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Результати від 61 до 80 із 2851 < назад   далі >
ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Conference Abstract202017-лют-2021Email-маркетинг в електронній комерціїМогіль, О.
Conference Abstract25-жов-202319-лис-2023Environmental and economic aspects of soil pollution as a result of military actionsAntoniuk, Nataliia
Conference Abstract29-лют-202430-бер-2024ETIAS and EES: impact on Ukrainian citizens travelling to EUГловацький, Юрій
Conference Abstract15-тра-202314-лип-2023European Union regulations reporting corporate development towards green transformation.Kamiński, Ryszard
Conference Abstract20204-бер-2021Event Management as a Tool of Marketing CommunicationsMysyk, V.
Conference Abstract200626-тра-2013Existence of periodic solutions to differential equations with pulse action in a neighborhood of composite singular points.Sobchuk, Valentyn V.; Samoilenko, V. H.; Собчук, Валентин Володимирович; Самойленко, В. Г.
Conference Abstract200026-тра-2013Existence of periodical solutions of the Duffing equation with impulsive effectsSobchuk, Valentyn V.; Yelgondyev, Kuanysh; Собчук, Валентин Володимирович; Єлгондуєв, К.
Conference Abstract201912-лют-2020Eye tracking w usprawnianiu systemu informatycznego – wyniki badańNesterak, J.; Malinovska, O.; Put, D.; Szymla, W.
Conference Abstract201820-бер-2020Factors of improving labor productivity for entepriseГульчак, Ю.; Кушнірук, Ю.; Hulchak, Y.; Kushniruk, Y.
Conference Abstract15-тра-202330-тра-2023Family farms as an instrument of agricultural development in the Europian Union and the challenge of transforming the agrarian structure in UkraineSuchoń, Aneta
Conference Abstract20195-лют-2020Features of application of financial innovations by construction enterprisesDyl’, Kh. M.; Polishchuk, V. G.
Conference Abstract25-жов-202318-лис-2023Features of creative project budget formationBilous, Oleksandr
Conference Abstract201915-лют-2020Features of ensuring financial security of enterprises working in agrоbusinessPolishchuk, V. G.; Kulchitska, О. V.
Conference Abstract202024-лют-2021Features of Modern Development of the Financical Market of UkraineTereshchenko, E.; Myronovych, Y.
Conference Abstract202310-кві-2023Features of the fitness industry development in the war and post-war periods.Ройко, Ольга
Conference Abstract17-тра-202411-лип-2024Features of the formation and management of the unified network of the state and local budgets of the Volyn oblastOnysiuk, Vitalii
Conference Abstract202023-лют-2021Food Security: State Priorities for Livestock DevelopmentLavruk, V.
Conference Abstract202014-кві-2020Formation of culture of economic safety corporate levelKravchenko, S.
Conference Abstract25-кві-201429-чер-2016Gender-marked age stereotypes in english proverbs and sayingsГалапчук-Тарнавська, Олена Михайлівна; Halapchuk-Tarnavska, Olena M.
Conference Abstract202015-лют-2021General Aspects of Taxation in JapanKryshtal, H.