Electronic Volyn National University Institutional Repository
Electronic Volyn National University Institutional Repository accumulates, preserves, distributes and provides continuous, permanent and reliable access to scientific works of the faculty, employees and students of the University
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Communities in DSpace
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- 417 Волинська область
- 302 бібліографічні видання
- 291 Україна
- 277 туризм
- 232 Волинь
- 220 physical education
- 218 фізичне виховання
- 214 students
- 199 Ukraine
- 196 студенти
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Date issued
- 8401 2020 - 2025
- 15855 2010 - 2019
- 1418 2000 - 2009
- 53 1990 - 1999
- 2 1988 - 1989
Has File(s)
- 25736 true