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Article28-чер-202230-гру-2022A Psycholinguistic Analysis of Inter-Ethnic Views of EthicsTaraban, Roman; Saraff, Sweta; Zasiekin, Serhii; Biswal, Ramakrishna
Article28-чер-202229-гру-2022Gender Features of Verbal Representation of the Concept "Gender Inequality" by University StudentsKostina, Tetiana; Drozdova, Diana; Bulakh, Iryna
Article28-чер-202229-гру-2022Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Teaching Professional English to Future DoctorsRusalkina, Liudmyla; Tomashevska, Agnessa
Article28-чер-202230-гру-2022Modest Grief in the Office of the Dead: A Case Study of Emotion Terms in Translations of the Orthodox Funeral VigilShmiher, Taras
Article28-чер-202229-гру-2022Common Errors in English Aphasic DiscourseKotys, Olena; Bondar, Tetiana; Servatovych, Viktoria
Article28-чер-202229-гру-2022The Role of Proficiency in Kashmiri Language in Phonological Processing Skills: A Cognitive-linguistic ApproachAhmad Mir, Farooq; Khan, Azizuddin
Article28-чер-202229-гру-2022Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Expressed Emotion MeasurePastryk, Tetiana; Kots, Mykhailo
Article28-чер-202230-гру-2022A Category With Multiple Centers: The Case of the Ukrainian Verbal Prefix Za-Starko, Vasyl
Article28-чер-202229-гру-2022Reframing English Studies in India: Socio-Psycholinguistic IssuesSharma, Susheel Kumar
Article28-чер-202229-гру-2022A Socio-Pragmatic Study of Gender Differences in the Use of “Walak’ (Woe) and Its Variants in Spoken Jordanian ArabicRabab’ah, Ghaleb; Al-Yasin, Noor; Yagi, Sane