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dc.contributor.authorRajan, Garima-
dc.contributor.authorPatil, Nyanada-
dc.identifier.citationRajan, G., & Patil, N. (2023). Investigating multilingualism and its association with executive functioning: An exploratory study comparing bilingual, trilingual and quadrilingual college students in India. East European Journal of Psycholinguistics , 10(2), 111-132. https://doi.org/10.29038/eejpl.2023.10.2.rajuk_UK
dc.description.abstractMultilingualism has both advantages and disadvantages. Past research has highlighted this dichotomy by exploring the impact of linguistic ability on individuals’ executive functioning. This study explores the relationship between individuals’ linguistic ability (number of languages spoken) and their executive functioning, specifically, working memory – measured using the Corsi Block-Tapping task (Mueller, 2011a), inhibitory control – measured using the Go/No-Go task (Mueller, 2011b) and problem solving – measured using the Tower of London task (Mueller, 2011c) among bilingual, trilingual and quadrilingual Indian colleges students. Results from a Kruskal Wallis test indicated non-significant results for problem solving among the three groups. However, significant differences were found between groups for working memory (p = 0.050) (particularly between bilinguals and quadrilinguals, and trilinguals and quadrilinguals) and inhibitory control (p = 0.020) (particularly between trilinguals and quadrilinguals). The mixed results indicate a need for further research in this domain within the vast and diverse population of India.uk_UK
dc.publisherLesya Ukrainka Eastern European National Universityuk_UK
dc.subjectworking memoryuk_UK
dc.subjectinhibitory controluk_UK
dc.subjectproblem solvinguk_UK
dc.subjectIndian populationuk_UK
dc.titleInvestigating multilingualism and its association with executive functioning: An exploratory study comparing bilingual, trilingual and quadrilingual college students in Indiauk_UK
dc.rights.holder© East European Journal of Psycholinguistics, 2023uk_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationFLAME University, Indiauk_UK
dc.coverage.placenameLesya Ukrainka Eastern European National Universityuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:East European Journal of Psycholinguistics, 2023, Volume 10, Number 2

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